Experience of MDs practicing the Buteyko self-oxygenation method against many chronic conditions and for better sport performance revealed that physical exercise is the most powerful tool for better body oxygenation. Learn how to measure body oxygenation and how to exercise with best possible health benefits.
Dozens of published medical studies clearly proved that body oxygenation, which is reflected by stress-free breath-holding time, is the best indicator of physical health.
Among numerous varieties of the breath holding time test, the stress-free version of the test done after usual exhalation, most accurately reflects body oxygenation. As it was noticed by Dr. Buteyko, “ Oxygen content in the organism can be found using a simple method; after exhalation, observe how long the person can hold their breath without stress.”
Hence, one should exhale normally and measure own breath holding time, but only until first discomfort, i.e., without pushing themselves.
About 200 Soviet (Russian) MDs have been using this test as the main measuring tool for the Buteyko self-oxygenation breathing therapy. According to the experience, physical exercise is the main factor, apart from lifestyle parameters, to increase body oxygenation. Natural Insert
They discovered that the following parameters of exercise are ideal for improvement in body oxygenation:
1) Nasal breathing (Any exercise should be done with 100% nasal breathing. This allows normal utilization of nitric oxide produces in sinuses and ensures adaptation of the breathing centre to higher carbon dioxide concentrations).
2) Intensity (The most optimum exercise is one that is done with maximum intensity, but nasal breathing all the time).
3) Duration (The longer the exercise, the stronger its impact).
4) Shaking or vibrations of the whole body (Certain types of exercise produce natural shaking of the body, and hence, are greatly advantageous, e.g., running, trampoline jumping, skip-roping, most games, etc.).
5) Perspiration (Sweating is a powerful detoxifier of the gastro-intestinal tract due to greatly reduced burden on Peyer’s patches of the small intestine).
When people do not exercise, their body oxygenation is about 20 seconds, or even less, as in the case of sick people with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and many other conditions.
One hour of physical exercise helps to achieve about 30 seconds of breath holding time.
With two hours of daily physical exercise, former patients are able to achieve up to 40-60 seconds of body oxygenation. That means no symptoms and no medication for numerous chronic diseases.
Dr. Buteyko, who headed the classified Soviet project on body oxygenation of astronauts for first Soviet spaceship missions in the 1960’s, also discovered lifestyle factors that influence body oxygenation. Among factors that make breathing heavy and oxygenation low are: